Cannbigerol (CBG C5)
Cannbigerol also known as CBG-C5 has a molecular weight of 316.48g/mol. It is the parent molecule from which other cannabinoids are synthesized. CBG is not psychoactive.

Antibacterial cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa: a structure-activity study.
Appendino G, Gibbons S, Giana A, Pagani A, Grassi G, Stavri M, Smith E, Rahman MM. (2008)
Neurological Disorders
Neuroprotective properties of cannabigerol in Huntington’s disease: studies in R6/2 mice and 3-nitropropionate-lesioned mice.
Valdeolivas S, Navarrete C, Cantarero I, Bellido ML, Muñoz E, Sagredo O. (2015)
Colon carcinogenesis is inhibited by the TRPM8 antagonist cannabigerol, a Cannabis-derived non-psychotropic cannabinoid.
Borrelli F, Pagano E, Romano B, Panzera S, Maiello F, Coppola D, De Petrocellis L, Buono L, Orlando P, Izzo AA. (2014)
Beneficial effect of the non-psychotropic plant cannabinoid cannabigerol on experimental inflammatory bowel disease.
Borrelli F, Fasolino I, Romano B, Capasso R, Maiello F, Coppola D, Orlando P, Battista G, Pagano E, Di Marzo V, Izzo AA. (2013)