D/L-Menthol – Terpene Profile
Menthol is mainly produced from mint oils and is commonly used in the food and pharma industry. It has a peppermint-like aroma and creates a cooling sensation when applied to skin and mucosal surfaces. There is a difference in the molecular structure between D- and L-menthol, which can be simplified by thinking of these molecules as the mirror image of one another. D-menthol has less cooling effects than its “mirrored sibling”. Several medical properties of menthol are discovered such as antimicrobial, anesthetic and antidepressive effects.

Medicinal qualities:
In vivo
Anesthetic properties
Local Anaesthetic Activity of (+)- and (-)-Menthol.
Galeotti, N., Ghelardini, C., Di Cesare Mannelli, L., Mazzanti, G., Baghiroli, L., & Bartolini, A. (2000)
L-menthol exhibits antidepressive-like effects mediated by the modification of 5-HTergic, GABAergic and DAergic systems.
Wang, W., Jiang, Y., Cai, E., Li, B., Zhao, Y., Zhu, H., Zhang, L., & Gao, Y. (2019)
Preventing colonic spasms
Prevention of colonic spasm using l-menthol in colonoscopic examination.
Yoshida, N., Naito, Y., Hirose, Y., Ogiso, K., Inada, Y., Fernandopulle, N., Kamada, K., Katada, K., Uchiyama, K., Handa, O., Takagi, T., Konishi, H., Yagi, N., Wakabayashi, N., Yanagisawa, A., & Itoh, Y. (2014)
High D/L-Menthol strain-specific terpene formulations:
In vitro
Mechanisms of Antibacterial Action of Three Monoterpenes.
Trombetta, D., Castelli, F., Sarpietro, M. G., Venuti, V., Cristani, M., Daniele, C., Saija, A., Mazzanti, G., & Bisignano, G. (2005)