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    Medicinal qualities:

    In vivo


    Citronellol: A potential antioxidant and aldose reductase inhibitor from cymbopogon citratus.

    Jagdale, A. D, Kamble, S. P., Nalawade, M. L., & Arvindekar, A. U. (2015)

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    Anti Inflammatory and Nociceptive

    Citronellol, a monoterpene alcohol, reduces nociceptive and inflammatory activities in rodents

    Brito, R. G., Guimarães, A. G., Quintans, J. S. S., Santos, M. R. V., De Sousa, D. P., Badaue-Passos Jr, D., de Lucca Jr, W., Brito, F. A., Barreto, E. O., Oliveira, A. P., & Quintans Jr, L. J. (2012)

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    Study of anticonvulsant effect of citronellol, a monoterpene alcohol, in rodents

    Sousa, D. P.,Gonçalvesa, J. C. R., Quintans-Jr, L., Cruz, J. S., Araújo, D. A. M., & de Almeida, R. N. (2006)

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    Hypotensive and Vasorelaxant

    Hypotensive and Vasorelaxant Effects of Citronellol, a Monoterpene Alcohol, in Rats

    Bastos, J. F. A., Moreira, Í. J. A., Ribeiro, T. P., Medeiros, I. A., Antoniolli, A. R., De D. P., & Santos, M. R. V. (2010)

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    Cardiovascular Activity

    Biphasic cardiovascular and respiratory effects induced by β-citronellol.

    Ribeiro-Filho HV, de Souza Silva CM, de Siqueira RJ, Lahlou S, dos Santos AA1, Magalhães PJ. (2016)

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    Improves Immunity

    Effect of citronellol and the Chinese medical herb complex on cellular immunity of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy/radiotherapy

    Zhuang, S. R., Chen, S. L., Tsai, J. H., Huang, C. C., Wu, T. C., Liu, W. S., Tseng, H. C., Lee, H. S., Huang, M. C., Shane, G. T., Yang, C. H., Shen, Y. C., Yan, Y. Y., & Wang, C. K. (2009)

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    High Citronellol strain-specific terpene formulations: