Chrysoeriol – Flavonoid Profile
Chrysoeriol has potential to regulate sugar levels in diabetes. It is s a bronchodilator, and effective for lowering blood pressure. Another derivative of luteolin, chrysoeriol is primarily found in alfalfa, though the flavone can be found in smaller quantities in other plants as well. Together with luteolin, chrysoeriol has demonstrated its potency against breast cancer and potential to regulate diabetes.
Medicinal qualities:
In vitro
Chrysoeriol and other polyphenols from Tecoma stans with lipase inhibitory activity.
Ramirez G, Zamilpa A, Zavala M, Perez J, Morales D, Tortoriello J(2016)
in vitro
Detoxification, Anti-Cancer
A methoxyflavonoid, chrysoeriol, selectively inhibits the formation of a carcinogenic estrogen metabolite in MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
Takemura H1, Uchiyama H, Ohura T, Sakakibara H, Kuruto R, Amagai T, Shimoi K.