Alpha-Gurjunene – Terpene Profile
Alpha-Gurjunene is found in some species of pearly everlasting and the thistle family of plants. With a spicy, woody aroma, Alpha-Gurjunene is often used to enhance fresh-smelling fragrances and cosmetic products. Similarly, its deep notes of spice and wood are used to flavor a variety of savory and dessert foods. The research community is continually discovering new therapeutic properties of Alpha-Gurjunene. The sesquiterpene has to date been shown to be valuable when employed against cancer and inflammation, is effective against ticks and can be used to dull pain.
Medicinal qualities:
In vitro
Anti-microbial and Anti-cancer
Chemical composition, antibacterial and anticancer activities of volatile oil of Melicope denhamii leaves.
George S, Nair SA, Venkataraman R, Baby S. (2015)
In vivo
Anti-inflammatory Anti-nociceptive
Chemical composition and evaluation of the anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of Duguetia furfuracea essential oil: Effect on edema, leukocyte recruitment, tumor necrosis factor alpha production, iNOS expression, and adenosinergic and opioidergic systems.
Saldanha AA, Vieira L, Ribeiro RIMA, Thomé RG, Santos HBD, Silva DB, Carollo CA, Oliveira FM, Lopes DO, Siqueira JM, Soares AC. (2018)