Alpha Cedrene – Terpene Profile
α-Cedrene is one of two isomers that make up Cedrene, a sesquiterpene that, along with Cedrol and Cedrenol, constitutes the sensory profile of the essential oils of cedar. This isomer’s bracing aromas of fresh wood and pine have made it a common component of fragrances, cosmetics and hygienic products, while its mildly sweet taste has turned α-Cedrene into a recurring dessert and beverages ingredient. Used by holistic medicine practitioners as an antiseptic and mucolytic agent, recent scientific research suggests that α-Cedrene could be effective against tumors and bacterial infections.

Medicinal qualities:
In vitro
Increase oxygen exchange
α-Cedrene protects rodents from high-fat diet-induced adiposity via adenylyl cyclase 3.
Tong T, Yu R, Park T.(2019)