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    Medicinal qualities:

    In vivo


    Preventive and therapeutic anti-inflammatory properties of the sesquiterpene α-humulene in experimental airways allergic inflammation.

    Rogerio, A. P., Andrade, E. L., Leite, D. F., Figueiredo, C. P., & Calixto, J. B. (2009)

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    Anti-inflammatory effects of compounds alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene isolated from the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea.

    Fernandes, E. S., Passos, G. F., Medeiros, R., da Cunha, F. M., Ferreira, J., Campos, M. M., Pianowski, L. F., & Calixto, J. B. (2007)

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    In vitro


    Antitumor activity of balsam fir oil: production of reactive oxygen species induced by alpha-humulene as possible mechanism of action.

    Legault, J., Dahl, W., Debiton, E., Pichette, A., & Madelmont, J. C. (2003)

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    Cytotoxic activity of alpha-humulene and trans-caryophyllene from Salvia officinalis in animal and human tumor cells

    El Hadri, A., del Río, M. A., Sanz, J., Coloma, A. G., Idaomar, M., Ozonas, B. R., González, J. B., & Reus, M. I. (2010)

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    Angiogenesis action

    Wound Healing Effect of Essential Oil Extracted from Eugenia dysenterica DC (Myrtaceae) Leaves

    Sandra Márcia Mazutti da Silva, Claudio Rodrigues Rezende Costa, Guilherme Martins Gelfuso, Eliete Neves Silva Guerra, Yanna Karla de Medeiros Nóbrega, Sueli Maria Gomes, Aline Pic-Taylor, Yris Maria Fonseca-Bazzo, Damaris Silveira, and Pérola de Oliveira Magalhães, (2019)

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    High α-Humulene strain-specific terpene formulations:

    Pineapple express terpene bottle

    Bright pineapple and citrus notes blend with earthy pine for a vibrant, tropical, and refreshing aroma experience.

    50ml / 1.7oz$18300
    250ml / 8.4oz$76400